Monday, February 13, 2012

Scott Welcomes Himself to His New Blog with an Interview

Interviewer: We are here with Scott Talbert. A simple question Scott, why Of Faith and Radios?

Scott: Well these are two very important things for me. My relationship with God is the most important thing in my life. I just try to love Jesus and get others closer to Christ. I am not perfect, but I know God is. He helps me live every day of my life as I read his word, the bible and talk to Him everyday. Radios for me cover a lot of topics. If it is communication and can inform or entertain, I call it radio. Also so many times this stuff intersects in great ways and awesome adventures.

Interviewer: Scott, what gives you any creditability in these areas?

Scott: Good question I, can I call you I?

Interviewer: Sure, now why do you feel qualified to speak to the subject of faith and Radios.

Scott: I have pastored for over 10 years in a Baptist context. I have a Masters of Theology degree from one the worlds largest Seminary. I love Jesus and Love his Word, the bible. I do not think of my self as qualified, but more of an experienced fellow traveler and coach. I hope all I would say would move people closer to God.

Interviewer: Ok, that's cool, but what about the Radio part. At a very young age I think I decided I loved the radio, maybe more than television (which I know pretty well to). Good radio is a theater of the mind. As a kid I listened to CBS Radio Mystery Theater (still available in the Internet Archives) and Houston Astro's baseball. In baseball you just imagined you were there standing with the batter seeing it all. Later I would discover the world of short wave. Stations from all around the world, some not so nice to the United States. It was fascinating to hear the BBC, probably by way of the Caribbean, and hear good radio, really well done radio. Later I would get a scanner and hear all kinds of discussions and up to the moment action. For a short while, If it broadcasted I could hear it. Now digital has limited that, and I may write about it. But digital is ok to. Lately I have been enjoying HD radio and even internet radio. I hope to speak to all this stuff as time goes on.

Interviewer: Scott, you said these worlds of communication and faith intersect. How so?

Scott: Yes they do. Since the early days of radio, people of faith have recognized radio as a great way to touch millions of listeners of faith and even little or no faith. This has been good and bad. “Just send in ten dollars for an autographed picture of Jesus, and for ten dollars more we will bless it with super power holy water.” Yep that stuff is crazy and interesting. (Hint: Boarder Radio) Then I think of people like Billy Grahm and Charles Swindall. Great preachers, with great God honoring words from the Bible. The internet Radio has proved to be fascinating, as I have heard great Christian radio stations around the world that I just want to share and comment on.

Interviewer: Well Scott, how often will we see this updated?

Scott: I hope to write new post several times a month. I am in transition, and I do not know what time will be like.

Interviewer: What are you hoping people will get out of this blog?

Scott: Entertainment, discipleship, closer to the Lord, good reliable information and maybe a reason to step out in faith of a lest access some wonderful resources we have at our fingertips on the computer.

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