Wednesday, September 5, 2012

 What to do on churchless Sundays, a discovery and an update.
At this time I am excited to see that 368 people have viewed the page. Today I want to give an update about me, a good radio thing for people away from church on Sunday and a neat accidental discovery I made.
Things are looking up for me and the family as a church has finally expressed an interest in me being their pastor. This blog started when I between churches. This has been a time of relying on the Lord and learning. Your prayers are requested at this time for my career as a pastor to restart. I hope to keep up the blog as radio and faith are really my only two interest.
That post leads me to my next subject. While not pastoring I have been a security guard at a local Wal Mart. I drive a car around the parking lot and I am allowed to listen to the radio. On the occasion of working on a Sunday I decided not to let that totally take me out of worship. At 8AM I tuned in Joel Osteen, of Lakewood on KKDA, 99.1FM “Sunny” in Houston. I think it can be accessed on At 9:30 I tuned in Second Baptist with Ed Young and at 11 I tuned in First Baptist with Greg Matte. These where on KHCB, 105.7 FM, Houston, it can also be accessed through I am not a big fan of Osteen, but he has the largest church in town and is very positive. Ed is a prince of preachers in the US and was speaking on family. Greg Matte always has a good message and is ministering to thousands of young families with dynamic messages. This did not replace church. People are a huge part of church, but I was fed by God's word and in the last two I got to sing with the people as these are full service recordings for folks like me and shut ins. Thank God for old fashioned radio in Houston, Texas.
Next a simple discovery. I was playing with and found Hindi Christian Music at the top of the India listing. The music has a wonderful Hindi influenced sound. Some English is thrown in. The voice station ids are randomly thrown in and a little annoying, but I will trust the developer. Their website can be accessed at It did not do to well when I went to it. It refused my email and only some parts are functional. Who knows, Satan, time, or problems may be happening. It plays very well on a UM Player from and ok from their site. Great music. You may be tempted to swing, sway and worship our God who wants all to be saved.
Please write me and tell me if this stuff is informative or helpful. God Bless

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